Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Unusual Jobs...location independent jobs

After consideration, unusual is a better word (than anomalous) for all those jobs which are not done in a traditional working environment.

In the meanwhile, I have been browsing on the internet and found lots of confusion with what I call "unusual jobs": webmasters tend to mix them all together even if these types of jobs might be very different from each other.

So they title a page/website "location independent" jobs but they link to work-from- home opportunities (some of them are clearly spams) and to jobs on cruise ships and for travel agencies which are totally unrelated to you being able to work "location independently", in other words where the h... you prefer.
That's a bit annoying.

I am afraid this is done intentionally though: I have the feeling they aim to fill the blanks of careers which are sadly not in high demands. Careers where you can more likely make money from those who search for them than from those who offer employment. Very Sad.

I know I ought to provide you with a link to the aforementioned websites (at least, for you to ban it from your lists) but you know how it works: they might be bigger than me and with a good lawyer, so better avoiding it (well, exactly as it is in real life, after all :-D).

See you soon with some definitions...

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